Cattle For Sale
Our Autumn calves are being weaned. Some of them are now ready for their new homes. I have just updated this page (06/12/2024). Feel free to enquire as to whether any of these babes may be a good fit for you.
The 2024 spring calving season has just finished. These calves will stay on their Mums for 6 to 8 months for the best start in life. Then they will be weaned and settled to get use to people, so they are well adjusted for pet homes when they go to their new families. So watch this space for more updates!
Please note that we have normally have no bottle babies. However this season has proved to be particularly hard on some of our girls due to drought. We do not have babes for sale on the bucket or bottle at the moment. We only have them when there has been a risk to Mum or Bub.
***** We only sell our cattle in pairs unless you have another calf.
A dog, goat, sheep, pony or person unfortunately are not sufficient company for a calf/cow *****
Pet Steers
We are currently weaning a few of our steers. They are quieting down nicely. Below are some calves that are ready for new homes. Most of these little steers will grow to the Mid size miniature range (between 108cm and 115cm approx). However please note that predicting cattle height at maturity, from calf age, is an imperfect science.
These lovely little creatures were born in Spring and range in age between 4 to 6 months of age. We do not usually have calves this young available, however with the drought their mumma's are not coping. So if a young babe is what you have been looking for, now is a good time to enquire.
These lovely little creatures were born in Spring and range in age between 4 to 6 months of age. We do not usually have calves this young available, however with the drought their mumma's are not coping. So if a young babe is what you have been looking for, now is a good time to enquire.
Brydie is a beautiful, very small, quiet boy who is eating his lucerne out of my hand. He is learning to take a pat while eating and building his confidence around people. He will probably grow into a mini/smaller mid miniature horned highland $5500
Jackson is a cute little highland. He is little shy at the moment, but he will build his confidence with gentle encouragement. He has a small scar on his eye which may resolve with time. Jackson is a mini/mid miniature highland steer who will be happy to mow anyone's paddocks for them. It's tricky to tell what colour Jackson is going to be but I'm guessing brindle at this stage. $5500
Raglin is a placid boy. He's going to grow into the mid miniature size range. He will eat out of your hands and is learning to take a pat while eating. $5500
Hamish is one of our few black poll highlands avaliable this season. He's still got his scruffy calf coat but will be pure black and stunning when he gets his adult highland coat through. I’m a paragraph. He will eat out of your hands, but is still a little shy. Nothing a little time and care will not help with. He is likely to grow into the mid miniature height range. He and Raglin would make a lovely pair $3300
Sold PPU - Freya (heifer) and Jed (steer) are both horned highlands, who are very close. Freya is extremely affectionate where Jed is a little more reserved, but happy for a pat when eating his lucerne. They will bothe probably grow into the middle of the mid size range. They are a bit younger that the other calves as their mums were not coping with the drought conditions. They are on additional chaff and calf grains. As a pair they are $9900
Baby is a softy. He loves a bottle but doesn't need it. He is a highloway steer with a love for the brush and affection. He will stand still for as long as you are happy to pamper him. He will eat out of you hand or just happily mow the lawn. He is expected to grow between mini/smaller mid size miniature range. $4400
Yenna is a sweet little yellow highland steer. He will remain very small. He's a quiet, beautiful soul who is happy to gently eat out of your hand and have a pat. He's a little sweetheart & is best paired with Brydie or Baby. $5500
Tubs is a little cutie pop who is full of confidence. He's going to bring joy and laughter to any farm family. He's on the smaller tubby side of things. He is happy for a pat while enjoying his food. He is mostly Highloway with a touch of Hereford way back in his bloodline, but the colouring has very much come through! $4400
Sold PPU - Benny is a rare, red pointed Highloway. He has a gorgous coat and will be a hansom boy when grown. He will eat out of your hands and is settling into life with people. He is likely to grow into the mid miniature height range.
Dusty, a little Highloway, is quiet and learning about people. He is taking food from people and has a very gentle nature. Dusty will grow into a smaller midsize miniature. $3300
Hobby Farm Sheep Breeds
Valais Blacknose Sheep
Valais Blacknose Our Valais Blacknose lambs (75%) are weaned and ready to steal hearts in their new homes. These are very exciting times as the numbers slowly increase in Australia. The Valais originate from the Swiss Alps and are fondly known as 'The Cutest Sheep in the World'! They are a very placid, friendly sheep ideal for pet homes. These are a large breed of sheep and do need shearing twice per year due to the long coat.
A limited number of our beautiful wethers are available. The 75% wethers are sold as pets ($2200). (Sold PPU)
We often get asked why they are so much. For us to purchase a breeding ram would be between $25000 to $30000. We opt to use artificial insemination. These costs are very high per lamb produced, but we love their beautiful nature and believe they are well worth what we invest. They are exquisit animals with a nature to match.
Babydoll Miniature Sheep
Here at Stoneywood we breed white and coloured miniature Babydoll sheep. Their small size makes them ideal for small acerage, vine yard and orchard grazing. We also have a range of mixed breed mini sheep. Babydoll and miniature wether lambs sell for between $220 and $660.
Highland Babes With Their New Families
We love getting photos of our little babes after they have settled into their new homes. We thought we might set up this section so that we can see the places that our lovely little bundles end up in.
If you are interested in any of these cattle, please text me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can
Contact Us
Stoneywood Highland and Galloway Cattle
Phone: 0407 098477